Sunday, 16 October 2011


it's been another hardcore weekend of printing...saturday had painful end as I banged my head really really hard on this...ouch

it didn't manage to knock out any of the songs I've had buzzing round my head for the last few days though - highlights include 'Quiche Lorraine' by the B52s (a good one to print dogs to) so I did

and another beautiful little number, which I'll mention later, as it's going to be the title of my new print...heres' a tiny clue...

I also printed loads of 'dawn chorus' tea towels....I'll show them properly later next week, along with the new cat 'n' dog print.

I finished this edition of prints too...phew and relaaaaaax!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlotte, just wondering if these tea towels are available to purchase anywhere online?
