Sunday 30 October 2011

fee fee la fou HQ

a few of my tea towels will be at this - looks like fun, wish I could be there with them!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Hampstead affordable art fair is beautiful...sha la la la la

This week, starting tomorrow my work will be at the Hampstead Heath Affordable Art Fair with Demelzas Gallery stand D1

I've done a new print for it, which I hinted at a few posts advice is watch this first, but not for long as it's a bit too sickly sweet (you've been warned)

it should be stuck in your head for weeks now - but it is beautiful, here's the print:

loving you is easy beacuse you're beautiful

Thursday 20 October 2011

Battersea Affordable Art Fair

I didn't quite get round to tantilising snippets of my Super Hero print which I did especially for the Battersea Affordable Art Fair - NOW here it is, and if you're in London this weekend and don't know what to do you could just go and see the real thing along with lots of other reasonably priced art

I know i mentioned it before but all my prints will be on the Smithson Gallery stand

Sunday 16 October 2011


it's been another hardcore weekend of printing...saturday had painful end as I banged my head really really hard on this...ouch

it didn't manage to knock out any of the songs I've had buzzing round my head for the last few days though - highlights include 'Quiche Lorraine' by the B52s (a good one to print dogs to) so I did

and another beautiful little number, which I'll mention later, as it's going to be the title of my new print...heres' a tiny clue...

I also printed loads of 'dawn chorus' tea towels....I'll show them properly later next week, along with the new cat 'n' dog print.

I finished this edition of prints too...phew and relaaaaaax!

Friday 14 October 2011

fabrik-einfach klasse!

A while ago I designed some patterns to go on some german blinds for JAB Anstoetz...they sent me some images the other day...I think they look pretty good (if I do say so myself) and wish I could get them for my house (would that be so wrong?)

A while ago I designed some patterns to go on some german blinds for JAB Anstoetz...they sent me some images the other day...I think they look pretty good (if I do say so myself) and wish I could get them for my house (would that be so wrong?)

(Einfach Klasse was the title of my german books at school - simply great!)

Sunday 9 October 2011


Oops been a bit slack on the old blog front recently - never mind, here's some more shots of a long day spent printing...I've been meaning to turn the little card I did a while back into a print which kind of goes with the Lovely one (see previous post).

I thought it would be a pretty simple print but by the time I'd finished gold leafing and worrying about colours, it took AGES!