Monday 17 November 2014

Crafty christmas

yes...It's a new blog post - after another gap of a few months, once again/as usual total busy beeness is to blame (and the fact I can never remember how to upload the photos from my new(ish) phone).

This weekend I'm going to be selling my prints, cards and the all new 2015 Dog Calendar at Renegade craft fair, I'm also going to have my things at the craft fair in Widcombe, Bath (supervised by the lovely )

If you can't make it to any of these events I can recommend a shopping spree in my etsy shop

****remember a dog calendar is for life, not just 2015****

Saturday 5 July 2014

Call of the Wild

Once again busy-ness has taken over and I've not posted for ages…this is one of the reasons why - my new show at the Rostra Gallery in Bath, on until the 31st of july.

There are a few new prints and more excitingly a giant cat with the chance to win a goody bag if you tweet or facebook a picture of you best feline face! MEEOW (@rostragallery)

Saturday 12 April 2014

In A Flap

I've made a new large print full of exotic birds (and a blue tit) I meant to take photos of every layer but printing this was epic* and I seem to have missed some out

*on day 2 of printing most of the sinks in the studio were out of action due to leaks so I had to use a lot of screens and buckets of water, my shoes now have watery splashes of the bright pink ink, then I had an indecisive moment about what colour to do the last layer….I think it worked out ok in the end - this print will be at Pick Me Up at Somerset House at the end of the month, along with some others.

pink ink

Wednesday 2 April 2014

How to make Bananas

I've not posted anything for ages - lets just say I've been super busy and leave it at that…here's some photos of how to make Bananas -first pick a screen or two
colours 1 to 3
colours 4 to 6

 colours 7 to the end!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

and there's more....

More projects which nearly got lost in the depths of my computer - this one is a booklet about being brave - always handy...


Monday 6 January 2014

very early spring cleaning

Happy New Year! I thought I'd try and tidy up my computer and while I was hoovering up old files I found images of a few commissions from last year which didn't make it on to my blog...

This was for Elle...if you were reading on an I-pad then the map became inter active and you got a monkey sitting on a there's a reason to read on an I-pad (or similar)!