Monday, 7 February 2011

it's all about the titles...

I've been enjoying coming up with titles for my latest prints - I think they make all the difference but start being less fun when you have to write them out 20ish times, still I don't mind too much; getting lines as a punishment at school was always quite a treat)...

as promised/threatened more here's another rack shot (luckily I don't mean in the Gok Wan sense of the word rack, if you know what I mean, my blog would be banned otherwise)!

Gosh, one day all this will be ours

(yes it's another Kate 'n' Wills number, maybe it's because of the extra bank holiday they're giving us)

Something inside so strong, Mr Kong

Jane hearts Isambard

just spotted I'm repeating myself by showing this one, feel free to skim right on past.

No bulls were harmed in the making of this print - olé

this weekend was meant to be spend updating my website and maybe opening an online shop so I can sell stuff - sadly it was too windy for holding the bigger prints outside in my usual stylee...but it will happen soon.


  1. All of these are so awesome (prints and titles!). You should definitely open an online shop.

  2. Ooh yes an online shop would be brilliant - we'll be there buying when it's open!

  3. yes, please do open an online store. Where can I buy online at the moment? Do you have any dawn chorus prints available? m

  4. Hello

    we still haven't got round to the photo taking and website updating, rubbish I know!!

    There are Dawn Chorus prints (and all the others) desperate for a good home...Merry - how near to Baileys are you, we may be able to sort something out that way??

    lottie x

  5. I love everything snowdome/snowglobe! and I am so loving your artwork. Let me know when the online shop is up!!
