Monday, 12 July 2010

we are sailing

I think the least said about my blogging absence the's some boats instead. I've been drawing a few more recently as I found the great book about coastal ships dans un charity well as post cards in Lyme Regis and actual real live tugs on my way to spike island (on the day I printed the ship in the bottle print)

boats from the book of boats!

it's tricky to take a pretty picture that shows up the embossed nature of the bottle - but it's embossed!


  1. Hellooo charlotte! its camila do you rememberr meee...from all those dayss blooomsbury haha.
    distant memory! anyywayy I stumbled accross your blog and got excited because i instantly recognized your hand writing from all the bloosmbury tags you used to write haha. amazing! how are youu? hows everything going in illustrating world of charlotte? still bloomsburying it?
    hope your really well xxx

  2. Hi Camila

    of course I remember you - how's your course going, how's manchester? I finally finished working in Bloomsbury a couple of weeks ago (about time too) so I can concentrate on making far I just ended up having a huge weekend lie-in, but the intention is there!

    hope you're enjoying my blog now I'm finally giving it more attention, and thanks for being a follower.


  3. AW im sure bloomsbury will be lost without you! Your prints are lovelyy! i am enjoying :)
