Monday, 26 March 2012

tattoo time

I got some of my new drawings turned into temporary tattoos - very exciting, in fact I was so over excited that I didn't read the instructions properly and forgot to remove the transparent film...I might sell little packs of these in my shop if anyones interested. What could be more rock n roll than a poodle tattoo?!

The toucan tattoo lasted 3 days - would've been longer but I printed on saturday and all the washing finished him off...

thanks to Harriet Gray for the tattoo tips

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

show us your dogs

In another slightly hardcore printing marathon I printed dog stamps to keep the cats and birds company, I think they'll be a calming influence as the colours are quite un crazy, just a tiny bit of red...though it has to be said I kind of wanted to stop at this grey/blue stage...

  I can't stop myself from using gold though now I've perfected the mix

 I love the way all the separate layers come together at the end - it (usually) makes the hard work worthwhile!...above and below is the 'before and after' bit - with one layer to go...

woof, ouah-ouah, voff (as dogs say in britain, france and sweden)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

colour clash

after a slightly sleepless night worrying about my splodgy, dodgy coloured bird stamp print I decided to re print it with nice new colours that don't fight each other...

 I love this blue and gold stage, I need to do some simpler prints with these colours

looking at this makes me think I'm bonkers as it's the old version next to the new one - spot the difference!! (there is a difference but I accidently focused the most on the old one) hmmm.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

meow miao miauen (kittons for sail)

A while ago I mentioned that I had it in mind to do an international meow print...and after researching stamps for the 'Philatley will get you everywhere' print I found so many cat related ones that suddenly I knew how to do it (it was a beautiful moment - oh yes)...

so here it kind of is - these are the tester prints:

scrap cats

I was trying to do something a bit different with my colours, and I'm really pleased with this particular combination (not so sure about the latest print that I did yesterday - I need help from the blog world and will be posting about it very soon in a hope that someone out there will say something that makes me feel better about it...look out, you could be the one who saves me) anyway here's a couple of highlights form the cat stamps...

blurry brazil cat (the brazilian shorthair, I believe), next to the big fluffy Birman...

 and possibly my favourite - the grumpy looking Persian kittens (or kittons as I once saw on the best handmade sign I've ever seen that said: kittons for sail)

and here's a sneaky peek of things to come...possibly dodgy bird stamps under wraps...