Sunday, 29 September 2013

fox among the kittens

This weekend was filled with the printing of the slightly mentioned cute kitten calendar and the emotional rollercoaster that is screenprinting - I've just about recovered (watching the Great British Bake Off is bringing my heart rate down).

 Heres the layer by layer printing process in picture format

layer 1 - gold (of course)

layer 2 - light grey

layer 3 - blue/grey

layer 4 - very bright pink

layer 5 - and the final black layer brings all the kittens's slightly bonkers of me to have made such an elaborate calendar but it will be making it's debut next saturday at the Crafty Fox market at the Dogstar pub in Brixton

the 2014 cat is my favourite - it has a cute chin!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Crafty Magazine

I probably should have mentioned this before the new edition came out but blog neglect took over...anyway I was recently in Crafty Magazine with my craft fair tips, funny considering how totally panicked I usually feel on the evening before every craft fair I've ever done! 

While I'm on the subject I should mention that I"ll be at the Crafty Fox fair at the Dogstar in Brixton on 5th Oct along with Alice Shields Gill Flury (the southwest are taking over London!) I should have printed some new things by then including a cute kitten calendar

Saturday, 21 September 2013

London Town

last weekend was Top Drawer where my mugs & tea towels etc were on the New House Textiles stand. I drew on the walls and we stuck lots of stuff up with very bright pink tape. 

The week bought more excitement as I had a "research" trip to London with the lovely Alice Shields .We went to the Southbank to a talk by Oliver Jeffers - which was brilliant, funny and inspiring - I've since  bought some new pencils!

Between coffee & cake stops we also found ourselves loving EVERYTHING in the pop up Donna Wilson shop and making some new woolley friends

Sunday, 15 September 2013

cats & dogs

While continuing to neglect my poor blog I have been doing a bit of printing...silver & gold cats & dogs and also finishing of my dogs stamp edition...lots of my prints are currently available at the brilliant pop-up Print Shop in Cabots Circus, Bristol

let silver sleeping dogs lie
silver super cat
sleeping with the enemy

woof, ouah-ouah, voff