Tuesday 18 January 2011

alchemy and inky shoes

It's been another print-athon weekend (and then some), finished 4 new prints for the printmaker show at the Rostra and created pots of gold ink for the first time...look!! (I'm a bit hysterical and tired, so this post might be mildly incoherent and contain too many exclamation marks).

I don't think I can quite express how excited I am to have finally worked out how create glittering gold ...I need to lie down just thinking about it...

gold (yes, gold - did I mention that already?) dancing bear...the actual print will be revealed soon...but here's the planning stage...

if you're missing your weekend dose of 'Strictly' how about some Viennese waltzing bears?

more snowglobes...(adopt a posh nature narrator voice) - here we have the after and before stage

ahhh, the stuff you have to deal with at the end of a days printing (it doesn't always land on my shoes, but more often than not I leave a trail of inky footprints at the studio)... I think this captures the glamour of screenprinting!


  1. The glamour of screen printing - HA! That totally resonates with me and the appearance of my basement right now. Really enjoy your stuff. This snowglobe print (and the one a few posts above) = fantastic.


  2. I seem to have set off an eye bag craze on your blog!! Hope your craft show went well.

    You're lucky to have screen printing in your basement - very luxury (and tres glamorous)!

